var myDokeosWebPath = ""; var device_is_mobile = false; // this script contains all the Dokeos specific javascript // is is a php function so that we can use php code also jQuery(document).ready( function($) { device_is_mobile = api_device_is_mobile(); // focus first element in a form content //$('#content form:first *:input[type!=hidden]:first:not(button)').focus(); //$('#content form input:text:first').focus(); if ($(".pull-bottom").length > 0) { $("#content").css("padding-bottom", "90px"); $("#content").css("min-height", "410px"); } if ($(".custom-dashed").length > 0) { $("#courseintroduction").css("margin-top", "0px"); } if ($("#tool_1").length > 0) { $(".scroll").css("margin-top", "10%"); } if ($(".row").length > 0) { $(".label1").attr("style","padding-top:12px !important") } // general customization form if ($(".formw").length > 0) { $(".label").css({"margin-top":"2px", "margin-bottom":"2px"}); $(".formw").css({"margin-top":"2px", "margin-bottom":"2px"}); $(".formw1 .cusformw-content").css({"margin-top":"2px", "margin-bottom":"2px"}); $(".formw1 input[type='radio'], .formw input[type='checkbox'], .formw input.NFI-current[type='file']").css({"margin-top":"-12px !important"}); $(".formw .formw1 input[type='text']").css({"margin-top":"-10px","margin-bottom":"8px"}); $(".formw .formw1 select").css({"margin-top":"-8px !important"}); $(".cusformw-content").css ({"padding-top":"12px"}) } // other customization form if ($(".formw").length > 0) { $(".formw1 .cusformw-content").css({"margin-top":"2px", "margin-bottom":"2px"}); } // Expand or collapse the help $('#help-link').click(function () { $('#help-content').slideToggle('fast', function() { if ( $(this).hasClass('help-open') ) { $('#help a').css({'backgroundImage':'url("")'}); $(this).removeClass('contextual-help-open'); } else { $('#help a').css({'backgroundImage':'url("")'}); $(this).addClass('help-open'); } }); return false; }); $(window).load(function () { $(".focus").focus(); }); // Expand or collapse the who is online $('#online-link').click(function () { $('#online-content').slideToggle('fast', function() { if ( $(this).hasClass('help-open') ) { $('#online a').css({'backgroundImage':'url("")'}); $(this).removeClass('help-open'); var action = 'closing'; } else { $('#online a').css({'backgroundImage':'url("")'}); $(this).addClass('help-open'); var action = 'opening'; } if ( action == 'opening' ){ $.ajax({ beforeSend: function(object) { $("#online-content").html(''); }, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", type: "GET", url: "", data: "action=whoisonline&display=thumbnails", success: function(data) { $("#online-content").html(data); } }); } }); return false; }); // change the url of the links with class make_visible_and_invisible so that the link is not followed when clicked // we use this to make it backwards compatible when javascript is disabled $("a.make_visible_and_invisible").attr("href","javascript:void(0);"); // when we click a link with class make_visible_and_invisible we change the visibility of the tool $("a.make_visible_and_invisible >img").click(function () { // This code is added in order for support the tablet style try { image = ""; image_css_info = $(this).attr("class"); current_css = image_css_info.replace("actionplaceholderminiicon",""); current_css = jQuery.trim(current_css); } catch(e){ current_css = ""; // the visibility image is a full url. We want to know if its invisible.gif or visible.gif image_url = $(this).attr("src"); image = image_url.replace("",""); } // are we making the tool visible or invisible? This all depend on the current icon if (image=="closedeye_tr.png" || current_css=="toolactionhide"){ action = "make_visible"; current_css = "toolactionhide"; } else { action = "make_invisible"; current_css = "toolactionview"; } // the id of the tool that we are changing tool_id = $(this).attr("id").replace("linktool_",""); $.ajax({ contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", beforeSend: function(object) { $('.confirmation-message').hide(); $(".normal-message-lib").show(); }, type: "GET", url: "", data: "id="+tool_id+"&action="+action+"¤t_css="+current_css, success: function(data) { // make the tool visible if (action == 'make_visible'){ // change the visibility icon, its alt text and its title if (current_css=='toolactionhide') { $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("src", ""); $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("class", "actionplaceholderminiicon toolactionview"); } else { $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("src", ""); } $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("alt", "Click to make invisible"); $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("title", "Click to make invisible"); // the feedback message that should be displayed message ="The tool is now visible. " + '('+ data +')'; // change the visible style $("#tool_"+tool_id).toggleClass('invisible'); } // make the tool invisible if (action == 'make_invisible'){ if (current_css=='toolactionview') { $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("src", ""); $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("class", "actionplaceholderminiicon toolactionhide"); } else { $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("src", ""); } $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("alt", "Click to make visible"); $("#linktool_"+tool_id).attr("title", "Click to make visible"); // the feedback message that should be displayed message = "The tool is now invisible. " + '('+ data +')'; // change the tool icon tool_image = $("#toolimage_"+tool_id).attr("src"); // change the visible style $("#tool_"+tool_id).toggleClass('invisible'); } // add or remove the invisible class to the tool link $("#istooldesc_"+tool_id).toggleClass("invisible"); // hide the "processing" feedback message $(".normal-message-lib").hide(); // display the confirmation message (with the correct feedback message) $(".confirmation_message_content").html(message); $('.confirmation-message').show(); } }); }); var map = { 'confirmation-message': '.confirmation-message', 'warning-message-lib': '.warning-message-lib', 'error-message-lib': '.error-message-lib', 'normal-message-lib': '.normal-message-lib' }; $.each(map, function(key, value) { $(value+' .close_message_box').click(function() { $(this).parent().parent().parent().remove(); $(".course-image-upload").css("top", "3%"); // this css modifies: "upload image" in "course_info" }); }); if ($(".cut-tooltip").length > 0) { $('.cut-tooltip[title]').qtip({ style: { width: 800, padding: 5, background: '#A2D959', color: 'black', textAlign: 'center', border: { width: 7, radius: 5, color: '#A2D959' }, name: 'dark' } }); } if ($(".sas-attribute-blocked").length) { $(".sas-attribute-blocked").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var message = "This option is blocked due your current Portal version is limited
Go to your account page to upgrade
"; $.messageBox(message, "Warning", "warning", false, 500, 200); return false; }); } /** * Checks if the current device is mobile or tablets * * @author Elmer Charre Salazar */ function api_device_is_mobile() { if($.browser.device = (/android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Checks if the current page uses jwplayer 5 and replaces the code to version 6 * to load correctly the old contents. * * @author Ricardo Garcia Rodriguez */ function replace_jwplayer_to_v6() { var run, iframe_script_text, current_player, config, current_script, editor, i, config_temp, config_split, file, play, buffer, setup, iframe_script, players, iframe, is_chrome; run = function(players, iframe){ if (iframe) { iframe_script_text = ''; } players.each(function() { try { current_player = $(this); config = current_player.parent().parent().find("div[id$=-config]").text(); current_script = current_player.find("script:last"); is_chrome = false; if(/chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())){ is_chrome = true; } // added to load the player in chrome too if (current_script.html().indexOf("skin") < 0 && !is_chrome) { return; } editor = config.indexOf("fileUrl") >= 0 ? "ckeditor" : "fckeditor"; config = config.split(" "); config_temp = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < config.length; i++) { config_split = config[i].split("="); config_temp[config_split[0]] = config_split[1]; } config = config_temp; if (editor == "ckeditor") { file = config["fileUrl"]; play = config["autoplay"]; buffer = config["cmbBuffer"]; } else { file = config["url"]; play = config["play"]; buffer = config["buffer"]; } setup = { file: file, width: config["width"], height: config["height"], autostart: play, repeat: config["loop"], bufferlength: buffer, primary: "flash" }; if (iframe) { setup = $.toJSON(setup); iframe_script_text += 'window.frames[0].jwplayer("' + current_player.attr("id") + '-parent2").setup(' + setup + ');'; } else { jwplayer(current_player.attr("id") + "-parent2").setup(setup); } } catch(e) {} }); if (iframe) { iframe_script = window.frames[0].document.createElement("script"); iframe_script.text = iframe_script_text; iframe.append(iframe_script); } }; players = $(".thePlayer"); if (players.length > 0) { run(players); } iframe = $("iframe#content_id"); if (iframe.length > 0) { iframe.load(function() { iframe = $(this).contents(); players = iframe.find(".thePlayer"); if (players.length > 0) { run(players, iframe); } }); } } $.getScript(''); replace_jwplayer_to_v6(); }); /** * Custom ui apis */ /* * Message box style ui without buttons * @params string message, The message will be shown inside the bod * @params string title, The title will be shown in the title bar of the box * @params string type, message type (confirmation | warning | error) * @example * $.messageBox('Message', 'Title', 'confirmation'); * @author Christian Flores */ $.extend({messageBox: function (message, title, type, modal, width, height) { var icon, html; var type = typeof type !== 'undefined'?type:'confirmation'; var mymodal = typeof modal !== 'undefined'?modal:true; var mywidth = typeof width !== 'undefined'?width:350; var myheight = typeof height !== 'undefined'?height:185; if (type == 'confirmation') { icon = ''; } else if (type == 'warning') { icon = ''; } else if (type == 'error') { icon = ''; } if (type == 'none') { html = '
'; } else { html = '
'; } $("
").dialog( { create: function(event, ui) { $('position', 'fixed'); }, resizeStop: function(event, ui) { var position = [(Math.floor(ui.position.left) - $(window).scrollLeft()), (Math.floor( - $(window).scrollTop())]; $('position', 'fixed'); $(this).dialog('option','position',position); }, resizable: false, title: title, closeText: getLang('Close'), width: mywidth, height: myheight, modal: mymodal }).html(html); $('.messagebox.ui-dialog').css({position:"fixed"}); } }); /* * alert popup style ui * @params string message, The message will be shown inside the bod * @params string title, The title will be shown in the title bar of the box * @params string type, message type (confirmation | warning | error) * @example * $.alert('Message', 'Title', 'error'); * @author Christian Flores */ $.extend({ alert: function (message, title, type, modal) { var type = typeof type !== 'undefined'?type:'confirmation'; var mymodal = typeof modal !== 'undefined'?modal:true; var icon, html; if (type == 'confirmation') { icon = ''; } else if (type == 'warning') { icon = ''; } else if (type == 'error') { icon = ''; } html = '
'; $("
").dialog( { create: function(event, ui) { $('position', 'fixed'); }, resizeStop: function(event, ui) { var position = [(Math.floor(ui.position.left) - $(window).scrollLeft()), (Math.floor( - $(window).scrollTop())]; $('position', 'fixed'); $(this).dialog('option','position',position); }, buttons: { "Accept": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }, resizable: false, title: title, closeText: getLang('Close'), modal: mymodal }).html(html); // The closeText alignment // $(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").css("right","1em"); $(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-icon-closethick").css("padding-right","5px"); } }); /* * Confirmation popup style ui * @params string message, The message will be shown inside the bod * @params string title, The title will be shown in the title bar of the box * @params callback okAction, fuction callback will be run when you do clic in ok button * @params bool modal, It is optional, you could show the popup like a modal (default: true) * @params int width, It is optional * @params int height, It is optional * @example * $.confirm('Message', 'Title', function() { * // code block will run when you accept the message; * }); * @author Christian Flores */ $.extend({ confirm: function(message, title, okAction, modal, width, height) { var mymodal = typeof modal !== 'undefined'?modal:true; var mywidth = typeof width !== 'undefined'?width:350; var myheight = typeof height !== 'undefined'?height:185; var icon, html; icon = ''; html = '
'; $("
").dialog({ // Remove the closing 'X' from the dialog open: function(event, ui) { $(this).parent().children().children("a.ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); }, buttons: { "Yes": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); if (typeof (okAction) == 'function') { setTimeout(okAction, 50); } }, "No": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }, create:function () { $(this).closest(".ui-dialog").find(".ui-button:first").addClass("ui-first-button"); }, resizable: false, title: title, closeText: getLang('Close'), width: mywidth, height: myheight, modal: mymodal }).html(html); } }); /* * * */